And, if you will, please let me explain what I mean by saying that it's time for me, and I mean I alone (without putting that onus on anyone else) to move on. With the entire government stacked against the issues I most strongly believe in, it means I need to re-engage in activism that I was engaged in before Barack Obama's presidency. Advocacy for climate change legislation at the federal level, advocacy of the preservation of wilderness, not only in the Adirondacks, but throughout the country. And last of all, but still very important, advocacy of young women entering the workforce. As a college instructor, I can tell you that in northern New York, young women are subjected to harassment of all types by their employers--and it's not only sexual, it's much more than that.
So I do hope this year, with a reduced work schedule as of this week, to fully enjoy the holidays. To read to my heart's delight while still taking care of exercise needs and household business. To have fun.
Get back into my Classics Club reads:
Did you know that Harvard University Press has published a $35 edition of an annotated Mansfield Park??? I am curious, as an Austen reader. I know that controversy among literary historians and critics surrounds this novel. I'd love to buy it, and I think I have saved enough gift cards so that I can buy it for myself. Will have to see! Mansfield Park is on my Classics Club list.
2 hours ago
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