The Big Book Summer Challenge sounds perfect for my summer reading habits. I first learned about it from a post on Jane's blog, Reading, Writing, Working, Playing (See sidebar).
The host of The Big Book Summer Challenge is Sue who writes the blog Book by Book. The link will take you to the sign-up page where all the rules are explained, yet they are simple, and to participate you only need to read ONE big book (400 pages and up). The challenge started on May 24 and ends on September 3, the day after Labor Day.
Since May 24th, I've read two books that qualify:
Well-Schooled in Murder by Elizabeth George (412 pages) and
Last of the Mohicans (425 pages). My review of the latter is coming up in a day or two.
Other BIG BOOKS I either plan or hope to read this summer:
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (also reading for the Back to the Classics Challenge) 417 pages
Plan to start this on July 1st.
Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (BCC Challenge) probably in August 453 pages.
Hope: I may have to put this one off until fall.
The Radiant Way by Margaret Drabble 408 pages.
Plan to read
Winter of the World by Ken Follet, (Vol. 2 in The Century Trilogy), 940 pages. I had a hankering to read this one this summer. And then I found out how long it is. I read Vol. 1 a number of years ago. But it would be an entertaining immersion.
Hope to read
Spell the Month in Books – February
2 hours ago