Last Tuesday I was flagged down while exiting Trapper's Tavern in North Creek. The owner of an exquisite store in town, The Hudson River Trading Company, asked me if I had time to work on a project for her, contacting Adirondack authors for a huge book-signing gala she's planning for Saturday, August 7th. Books? Authors? How could I say no?
Ever since that evening I've been on the phone with authors. Short notice, yes. But even so, I think we'll end up with around 15 writers and all of their books. We're going to have music. And a cookbook author is bringing some food! That would be Annette Nielsen, author of North Country Comfort and North Country Bounty.
If there's one novel set in the Adirondack wilderness that you, my readers, would certainly relish, it's Cold River by William Judson. I'm 99% positive he's deceased now--the book was first published in the mid-70s--but what a true-to-life adventure tale about two teenagers' hair-raising scrabble for survival in deep wilderness back in the 1920s! I must say, I adored it. Both Ken and I read it before we moved to the mountains. I wonder if our reaction to it would be more moderate if we read it today? It's a brief read, and reads as well and sells as well as it did decades ago. It's available as a Signet paperback for only $6.99through Amazon.
So we can't get poor William Judson to come sign his book. A shame, really. I would have loved to have met him.
2 hours ago
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