An article in the April 26, 2010, The New Yorker has prompted me to write this post. (The magazine does not make it possible for me to provide a link to the article. However, if you visit The New Yorker website, you will find the article by Ken Auletta, "Publish or Perish."
If you've grown weary of hearing how e-book readers affect people's reading habits, then don't bother to scroll down any further. Return at this time tomorrow for thoughts concerning my discovery of the recently "rediscovered" German writer, Hans Fallada.
Okay. A Kindle was purchased for me as a Christmas gift, way back when they first appeared on the market. It didn't arrive until the next February, but that was okay, because I wanted it and waiting was what I had to endure to gain possession of it.
Okay. I like the Kindle, though the first generation is full of problems. After marathon sessions with Amazon techies, they sent me a new Kindle, and it has exactly the same battery problems my first one had. But, hey.
I thought I would like getting NYT bestseller-list hardcovers for $9.99. And I did for a wee bit. Then the economy went West and spending ten bucks for a book seemed ludicrous. I then proceeded to occasionally buy the Kindle equivalent of cheap mass market paperbacks, magazines sometimes, and one or two books a year. And I'm still stuck at that level of involvement.
Why stuck? I want an upgrade but much more. I want color. No more illegible graphics. And I'm sure I'll have to sit out several more generations before I'm satisfied.
In the meantime I'm locked in a swoon over bound books. Hardcovers and paperbacks with imaginative cover art AND high-quality paper. A tight binding is a must, too. I don't mind if they're library books, not a wit, though I still want to buy them, as my previous entries have demonstrated.
Where do you stand these days?
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