- I have been assigned a great deal of work this summer.
- I've been struggling to achieve balance in my life.
- Reading is a vital, integral part of my life. Being busy with work can make me neglect reading time, which is so important to me and my well-being.
- Making a book list for the summer gives me a compass. Instead of reading just anything that drops into my lap, I have a list of books to refer to, which I have truly wanted to read. The list is my GUIDE.
I don't have one yet.
What has been staggering is the number of recently published books I'd love to read as well as the books to be published this summer, as well as my Classics List, not to mention all the other books I was hoping to read.
My partial beginning of a list:
O Pioneers! Willa Cather (Classics Club)
Serena by Ron Rash
Housekeeping by Robinson
I can face it-- It's a very miniature start, but I'm going to keep working on it.