In the High Peaks

Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's August 1st! So Where Are My 20 Books of Summer?

With only one month left until September 1st, I can truthfully "fess up" that my 20 Books of Summer plans have gone bust. I have been reading, yes. But my working hours, and other household challenges, have made a shambles of what I hoped would be a good stab, at least, at my list of 20 Books.

I have just finished listening to An Unfinished Love Story: A Personal History of the 1960s by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I'm so glad I listened to the audiobook first, which is replete with audio excerpts of speeches by JFK, RFK, LBJ, (many of those written by Richard Goodwin, Doris's husband), many of which brought tears to my eyes, and Martin Luther King's speech excerpts. So now, just this minute, I have ordered the hardcover, because I must return to this masterpiece of a book again and again and again. I don't know when a book has spoken to me, straight through to the heart, the way this book has. Hence, I've just this minute placed the order for the hardcover edition, which is selling now for only $20.99 at Amazon! I guarantee that this book will make the all the lists for Top Ten Books of the Year. The political and the personal--the personal and the political--all intertwined inextricably into this splendid mixture. I am so grateful to have been alive and totally aware during this decade. It matters a great deal to me to have experienced a period of such high idealism, integrity, and, well, intelligence!

And, in my last post, I was in the midst of reading The Nature of Disappearing by Kimi Cunningham Grant, which is set in the wilderness of the Idaho mountains. I was a bit uncertain during the first half of the book, but the last half was superb, and I really can say I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Somehow or other, I managed to get myself (miraculously) detoured onto a book I hadn't expected to read, which has really riveted me. Motherland: Growing Up with the Holocaust by Rita Goldberg, has been a genuine surprise. Very well written, exceptionally researched, it's the story of the author's mother's youth as a German Jewish immigrant in Amsterdam, and later in Belgium with the Resistance, and then in Bergen-Belsen. While in Amsterdam as a child, her parents were very close with Anne Frank's parents. Indeed, Otto Frank is a constant presence in this book, throughout her mother's life and after the war, throughout the childhood of the author, and largely because the author was his goddaughter. What has been most surprising to me is that this book, to my knowledge, has received very little acknowledgement, but it is excellent. And I have read literally hundreds of books dealing with the Holocaust. 

Excerpt from Reviews:   A groundbreaking second-generation memoir of the Holocaust and its legacy by Otto Frank’s goddaughter—“The extraordinary tale is heroic” (The New York Times).
Rita Goldberg recounts the extraordinary story of her mother, Hilde Jacobsthal, a close friend of Anne Frank’s family who was fifteen when the Nazis invaded Holland. After the arrest of her parents in 1943, Hilde fled to Belgium, living out the war years in an extraordinary set of circumstances—first among the Resistance, and then at Bergen-Belsen after its liberation. In the words of
The Guardian, the story is “worthy of a film script.”

SO! As you can see, I have been a totally serendipitous MOOD reader this summer. Reading happily, but frankly, with not anywhere near enough time to read! That is the only somewhat distressing aspect. 

This has been a Summer!!! Ken and I feel we are constantly reeling from the news cycle. Fingers crossed, we're hoping and praying for the best. And then the tornados hit! Our climate is crazy. We never used to get tornados here, and now they're a threat whenever there are severe thunderstorms. 

Well, wherever you are, I hope the weather gods will be kind(er) to you than they have been.










  1. I enjoyed your overview of the books you have been reading. It sounds like you have been reading a lot of good books. It doesn't really matter whether you read your 20 Books as long as you are enjoying what you read.

    I have done well with my 20 Books list and enjoyed most of them and read a few extraneous books too. A good mix of older and newer books. My blogging / book reviewing suffered during and after my cataract surgeries and I still haven't gotten back into a rhythm that I am happy with.

    Now that the relatively small fire near us is 100% contained, our weather has been nice, too hot for us recently though. I am sorry that you have had to deal with tornados. I remember those from living in Alabama. One time one tore up the State fairgrounds in Birmingham near my home and when I visited Alabama around 2014 there were severe tornado warnings and I was afraid I would miss my flight home.

    1. Hi Tracy,
      I'm so glad to hear you've done well with your 20 Books List. And, gosh, cataract surgeries! I do hope that you're able to tackle your reading desires as you heal more fully.
      Ken has had both of his eyes "done." And he has been very happy with the outcome.
      I'm so glad that the wildfire near you is contained!! It's been such a worry all over this summer. And best of all, you have not been too hot!
      I will keep following your reading.

  2. Greetings. Love your book chat here. I'll keep the Goodwin book in mind for fall reading and I'm glad you let us know about the Rita Goldberg book -- which seems amazing. This past spring I listened to the audio of Hannah Pick-Goslar's book My Friend Anne Frank which is another one to add to your stacks ... more friends of the Frank family ... that gives perspective. I also last year read On Hitler's Mountain by Irmgard Hunt ... which is a scary one to think about. But back to my summer reading ... the list is a bit in shreds ... though I've finished about 6 out of 15. I think I might finish 2 more. Still I think it's okay to read fancy free ... and go off your list. Summers are busy and can snowball ... which I always seem to forget. Happy August.

    1. I know the Hannah Pick-Goslar book, and last fall, I think, had it from the library, but due to work pressures, did not get to read it! Sigh!
      And On Hitler's Mountain---Wow, I'm going to investigate that title!
      I think you are doing stupendously (!) if you have read 6 of 15 books on your list. Kudos!
      Happy August to you, too! And, if I do say so, I'm looking forward to September and cooler temps and humidity!

  3. I get a lot of pleasure out of composing a reading list, even if I don't necessarily stick to it. As long as you're reading, it's all good.

    I'll finish Team of Rivals with in the next couple of weeks and thought about reading DKG's book about Lyndon Johnson.. you've just convinced me An Unfinished Love Story should be next!

    The tornados in around NY state have been crazy this summer! One was confirmed in the town where my grandparents lived... it even ripped the big front porch and some siding from their old house! Climate change is here!

    1. Hi JoAnn,
      I guess you could say that I don't want you to miss a single page, or minute of An Unfinished Love Story. It spoke to me on so many levels. I know you will thrill to it.
      And, yes! I'm longing to read her book about LBJ. Especially after all the great stories she told about him in the memoir.
      I was so distracted and, actually, downcast about the national scene before Biden stepped down, that I was reading lots.
      Now that everything seems more HOPEFUL--HURRAH! I'm able to focus again on work and catch up, with less time for reading.
      At a cost! Reading is so essential to a good life--I can't forget that.

  4. I am on the wait list for the audio of An Unfinished Love Story for all the reasons you list--I imagine I will be getting a hardcopy as well. Such a groundbreaking decade. I was just a kid, but my older siblings remember it well.

    I've put Motherland on my tbr list--sounds incredible. Thanks for the thoughtful review and recommendation.

    Serendipity is the only rule I follow. I also sometimes make lists, but then they feel like work to follow so I let my whims be my guide.

    Happy end of summer!

    1. I'm so glad you'll become acquainted with Doris's remarkable tour de force.
      And Motherland is incredible. So incredibly well-researched. I'm still reading it and am IN AWE!

  5. Just finished The God of the Woods and wondered what you thought, given the Adirondack setting. I liked it better after I finished than while I was reading it and hated the ending. Also, most of the characters were extremely unpleasant!
