In the High Peaks

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

The Outrageous HUMIDs Are in Residence! Where's My Brain?

I know that many people tolerate HOT and HUMID conditions fairly well. Alas, I have never been one of them. My physical and cognitive intolerance of these conditions has definitely become worse over time, but especially over the past few years. I can't think well--and thus I can't work well, obviously. 

But, thankfully, I can read books just fine. (And watch Wimbledon!! It's been so satisfying and so much fun!) 

What I'm reading: Yes, due to my dysphoria, I devoured another Lisa Jewell thriller. This one was I Found You, published in 2016, which received a rating of 3.96 on Goodreads. This was my second novel written by Jewell that I've read this summer, and I was not disappointed. As you know, I'm an eclectic/MOOD reader. When I'm feeling at wit's end, I find myself seeking out a thriller, but not just any thriller, but ones with heart. And Lisa Jewell's novels have been wonderfully twisty and filled with psychological nuances that fascinate, with some likeable characters. I steer clear from horror totally! Not for me! But if you are of a like mind, I recommend Lisa Jewell.


Right now I have only one novel going. And that is The Nature of Disappearing by Kimi Cunningham Grant. I absolutely loved her debut novel These Silent Woods, and Ken loved it, too, which we both read in 2022. (Don't miss this debut which is a perfect gem! I want to read it again!) Her second novel is The Nature of Disappearing, which is set in the National Forests of Idaho, the wilderness theme recurring, but this one is a bit darker than her debut. Still very good, so far, though I'm only halfway.  If you love novels set in wilderness, I urge you to try her books! I will post a final verdict when I'm finished. 








  1. My commiserations about the heat and humidity there, Judith. It must horrendous and like you I just can't tolerate it. Lot of people here asking, 'Where's our summer?' Not me, I love temps. in the mid-sixties, blue skies with lots of clouds. OK, perhaps there is touch too much rain but we had a bad drought for a couple of years and I prefer this!

    I've read one book by Lisa Jewell, Then She Was Gone, a real pageturner. I must look up Kim Cunningham Grant as those two books sound like my kind of thing.

    The Wimbledon has been excellent this year, hasn't it? I've watched far more this year than I usually do.

    1. Hi Cath,
      Yes--mid-60s and blue skies with clouds. Perfect! Great for walking and hiking, though maybe not in super-summer clothes, like bikinis. (Those days are so long gone...)
      I'm so glad you've enjoyed Wimbledon this year as much as I have. All of those 5-set matches, with oodles of tie-breaks, which makes for edge-of-your-seat watching this year, with lots of surprises.
      I am confident that you would really like These Silent Woods by Grant. This one, I forgot to mention, is set in the mountains of West Virginia. Talk about edge-of-your-seat entertainment! A wonderful father/daughter relationship, too.
      Happy reading!! And, by the way, please send us some of your delightful weather!

  2. Isn't Wimbledon terrific? Love watching the semifinals. So good! The heat has caught up with us here too. Maybe my brain is scorched. Glad you are enjoying your reads. I liked Kimi Grant's first book too. And I'm pretty much a sucker for those wilderness reads ... so I'll likely get to her 2nd one ... if you think it's good. Let us know how the Liz Moore book talk goes too ... Happy reading.

    1. I hoped you caught the first set of the Medvedev--Alcaraz semi-final. Wow! I hope I'll catch up with more fireworks later today. Loved seeing Liz Moore! I've now got the book. Everyone is loving it, including many in the audience. And yes, your heat is moving east toward our way for very early next week. Just read more.

  3. Judith, I am sorry that the heat and humidity are so toxic for you. I have never enjoyed heat and lots of sun that much and don't spend much time out when it is too sunny. So far this summer, the temperatures here have been even cooler than usual, but we usually get our hot weather in September and October. We also have a fire nearby which is causing bad air quality, leading to itchy eyes, scratchy throat, and headaches.

    I probably would never have considered a Lisa Jewell thriller but I looked into I Found You and it sounds pretty good.

    I just finished a book in the Birder Murder Mystery series, A Cast of Falcons by Steve Burrows. Burrows is a Canadian author but the series is set in the UK and has lovely descriptions of birds and nature. I am now reading The Dead Fathers Club by Matt Haig.

    1. Hi Tracy,
      Thanks for letting me know about the Birder Murder Mystery series!! I am very interested, and will look it up. Thanks!
      The other Lisa Jewell novel I read this summer is on my list of the Twenty Books of Summer, which is posted, if you scroll down to the list. I really liked it just as much.
      Wildfire smoke is a HUGE irritant. We had lots of it last summer from the huge fires in Quebec Province. So far this summer it has not been a problem, thank goodness, at least not so far--though I have heard that some of those fires are still raging.

  4. I love wilderness thrillers and will look up her first book. I have brain fog too so it might be the heat and humidity. I spend time watching K dramas when I am not in the mood for reading.

    1. I think it's likely you will love These Silent Woods, Harvee.

  5. I definitely love books set in the wilderness. Thanks for the author recommendation--I will check into getting a copy of These Silent Woods.

    The only good thing about CO hot weather is no humidity. I'm also incapable of handling hot and humid together. Good luck and happy reading.

    1. Jane, I believe you will love These Silent Woods. Such an exciting, heart-filled, beautiful book--with scary thrills included!
